Sunday, March 4, 2007

Attitude is evrything....

Attitude is evrything....

The longer I live, the more I realise the impact of 'attitude' on life.
It's where you begin.
It's the foundation you build your life on.

It is more important than facts.
It is more impotant than the past, than money, than circumstances, than failures.
It,s the key to approaching education and achieving success.

Its more improtant than appearance, giftedness, and skill.
It means more than what other people think or say or do.
It will make or break a company, a church, a home, a team.
It is the heart of a champion.

The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.
We cannot change our past; we cannot chage the fact that people will act in a certain way.
We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thng we can do is play the one string we have, and this is our attitude.
I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 person how I react to it.
And so it is with you.
Dont wait to see what happens; take the initiative to make something happen.
We are in charge of our attitudes.

- Autor unknown

A research in companies found out that most of the company heads when asked - "If there is one thing that you would like to change among your employees what would that be?", replied - "attitude". This shows how important attitude is. Attitude is the way we perceive - very similar to mindset. Attitude can be the one single factor that can make or break things.
There is another story.. About a carpenter. All along his professional life we was known for his workman ship. After about 20 yrs of work he wanted to quit and communicated his intent to his employer. The employer agreed that he could quit, but wanted him to complete building one more house; the carpenter reluctantly agreed to work an started working but did not work to his peak level and there by made a sub standard effort to build the new house. Once complete, the carpenter asked his employer to have a look at the new house, the employer held out the keys to him saying "You have been serving me sincerely for so many years, I am gifting this house to you as a token of appreciation.". The carpenter later realized his mistake having worked sluggishly in his last assignment; If only he had the attitude to work with same interest even in his last piece of work, he would have made a fortune... with the best of his masterpieces to be all his own. This shows how a small slug in the competence and attitude can make a very great impact.


It is the attitude that actually works to make an impact is one which gives us the initiative to take up risks, to take up challenges, to see opportunities where others see obstacles. Once you have the attitude and the appetite to achieve something in life; there is no holding you back, you will be motivated from within, to take up the challenge, to perform against odds, to expand your limits, to innovate, to be a leader. The more higher you want to reach, the fuel needed is attitude. Incentives and other factors of motivation fail when they are not combined with the right attitude. Attitude is one which gives you the guts to face odds, to look for places where no one ever before has tried.
It is "The substance" that has been the base of any success story, that we see today. A success story is a story about the attitude that visionaries have, their relentless struggle to achieve success. We all have in us a attitude, we have to get it to the right dimension to make it a success story, to make it big in life. Work to get the right attitude, all the remaining shall follow.

Types of attitude:

Attitude can be positive or negative:

Positive attitude lifts the spirit, it moves you up, motivates you, creates the urge to reach on the top, and generates the ability to take up risks, and propells you at high speed toward the goal that you have set. It creates a amazing satisfaction in finding new things, it manifests itself into the enthusiasm that is the kindling fire to any work, it then converts into a power to sustain the effort and reach higher in the goal.

Negative attitude pushes us to the abyss, makes us complain in even the simplest of issues, it turns the spirit of team work off, it generates a fear of failure, it makes us find a fault in ecent he most perfect creation, it never gives us satisfaction, be begin to crib in all things that we do.


So what do we do if we have a negative attitude?? This is the most important thing.
To generate a positive attitude from negative attitude we have to gain in confidence thatz the first act. Negative attitude would have degenerated you so much that you don’t find even a little confidence in what we do, then how do we obtain it; it can be with a lot of effort by us.
Once we diagonise that we are having a negative attitude, a large part of our work is over (yes this is the most difficult part, realizing that we suffer from a negative attitude).
How do we realize that we have a negative attitude? Simple, just look for the above symptoms that are characteristic of negative thought. Just take a break, loose yourself in observing your self, the way you think, the way you react - this will help diagonise yourself. Now that we have diagonized the problems, we can think about moving towards the positive attitude.
As told earlier, confidence is the worst casualty of negative attitude... so the first step is to improve self confidence. How do we do that? Well, just look back and see what you do best, what is that which most people have complemented you about? If you have found it, then do it again. Appreciate yourself on having done it well, and then choose something that interests you more, do those well appreciate yourself for it. Continue this way, in the work you do. The confidence that was lost is built up again. Once we have this foundation; just build on this in a systematic and regular way. Yes, systematic and regular, this is very important. The system in itself is a process that would act as a medium to grow a positive attitude.
Once we do this over a period of time, we turn to be optimists; the pessimism that was prevalent in us so much dies out. We reinvent ourself; this is what keeps us moving forward.

Attitude is the key to success, it the diffrence between win and loss. So friends, lets be up with loads of positive attitude, let it spread like wild fire, it is wake the enterprising spirit in us, let is give us a goal and motivation to reach it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Author of the quote is Charles R. Swindoll.